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A Spot of Inspiration


Nothing like a bit of inspiration to kickstart a new initiative! And that's just what I received this past weekend in NYC.

I was absolutely thrilled to attend the National Psoriasis Foundation's #PSObloggers Summit sponsored by LEO Pharma. It was truly an experience like no other!

The sights, the sounds, the excitement — all wonderful! But nothing compared with the people and the great information I learned from them. Check out these amazing #PSObloggers:

From social media to blogging to psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis talk, we learned from each other and from W2O Company presenters: Eileen O'Brien, Director of Media and Engagement at Twist Marketing; and Missy Berggren, Marketing and Engagement Director at WCG; and Angél Hakim, Senior Manager of Media and Engagement at Twist Marketing.

So, from a day of learning and networking with some amazing people in NYC comes my new blog: A Spot of Hope.

The #PSObloggers are experienced and passionate about spreading awareness of psoriatic disease. I hope to just stand on my tip toes, reach for the sky, and touch the bar they set so high.

NOTE: I attended a Psoriasis Blogger Summit hosted by LEO and received a stipend for my evaluation and feedback on information presented during the meeting. All opinions expressed by me about the summit or LEO programs or products are my own.

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