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A Spot of Friendship

Heidi and I on the High Line in NYC.

When you have a chronic illness like psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, you need a strong support system. Your friends and family who understand you will show compassion when you’re flaring, be your biggest cheerleaders during your challenges, and champion your proudest accomplishments. Sometimes, they will even kick you in the butt when you need it.

For me, that’s Heidi. She’s been my best friend for 20 years. She was there for me before I was diagnosed and continues to be there when I’m struggling with psoriatic disease. Even though I’m a pretty positive person, I still have moments of self pity. Heidi’s there to shake me up, make me laugh, change the subject, take me on crazy workout adventures, and when it’s really needed, she even lets me cry.

We don’t talk much about my diseases, and that’s the perfect part. She lets me tell her when I’m having a bad day, and when I do, we don’t dwell on it. She knows I am more than my diseases. She sees me for me.

She works her best magic when we just hang out and watch cheesy movies that feature The Rock ... or puppies ... or both. She’s the worst influence on me, but she’s also the best. She encourages me to get outside my comfort zone and was the one who pushed me to participate in a super awesome body painting experience.

We don't look anything alike, but we're stopped often asked if we're sisters. We both take this a compliment.

Heidi is the first to offer help with all of my fundraisers and awareness events. From our first Arthritis Walk (now called Walk to Cure Arthritis) in 2004 where she helped our team raise more than $6,000, to our recent recent kickboxing event where she spent hours shopping for superhero costumes for us to wear to make it more special. She even jumps on a plane to go with me to NYC to celebrate World Psoriasis Day and drives me to Chicago for the National Psoriasis Foundation’s volunteer leadership conference.

Our friendship isn’t mushy. We rarely hug, and I’m not sure if we’ve ever said that we love each other. We don’t need that to know how much we care. If the time ever came when I needed her at the drop of a hat, she’d find a way to be with me.

I hope all of you counting spoons have special friends to be there to support all of the ups and downs of life. After all, everyone needs a Heidi.

© 2020 by A Spot of Hope and Jaime Lyn Moy

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