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A Spot of Psuperhero Fun

When you’re a kid or teen with psoriasis, you can feel self-conscious, scared, and angry. And very often, you feel alone – like no one understands what you are going through.

Thankfully, there is a place just for you. A place where you can meet other kids and teens from across the country, learn about your disease, and make friendships that will last a lifetime. Not to mention, you’ll have a whole lot of superhero fun while doing it. That place is the National Psoriasis Foundation’s National Volunteer Conference.

National Volunteer Conference

Aug. 4-5, 2017

Chicago, Illinois

I have attended every conference since 2011 when it was held in Washington D.C. in conjunction with Capitol Hill Day advocacy, and Andy has only missed one. It truly is a life-changing event for our family.

As an adult patient attending the conference, I look forward to catching up with old friends, making new friends, learning about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, talking with researchers, and finding out what great treatments are coming soon for psoriatic patients. And I really enjoy seeing my fellow ambassadors, bloggers, and volunteers being honored for their time, energy, and accomplishments to further NPF’s mission at the Volunteer Appreciation Celebration Dinner.

As a parent of a child with psoriatic disease, I attend the conference to learn ways to help my child navigate the physical and emotional aspects of the disease, how to help him in school, and what treatments are available for kids. But more than anything, I treasure the connections I make with other parents and families. It’s hard to put into words the benefits of knowing you aren’t alone, no matter how many years your child has been dealing with this disease. No one understands your triumphs, joys, disappointments, and fears like another parent who is navigating this same disease.

But attending this conference is just as important for Andy. Psoriasis is a visible disease, but for one weekend, our kids’ worlds aren’t focused on how many spots they have, how they intend to cover up to avoid stares, or even if they’ll be asked to leave the pool because they have a contagious disease. (Psoriasis is not contagious!)

Andy will be 19 when the 2017 conference takes place. He will be attending as a young adult this year, but plans to volunteer at the youth programs. He wants to be a positive role model for the kids and teens and be an example that psoriasis doesn't have to control your life.

This year, I’m proud to be the chair of the Youth Services Committee, which is tasked with planning the conference’s youth programs. We have such amazing parents, young adults, and NPF staff on this committee, and I just couldn’t be more proud of efforts and ideas put forth. Our theme this year is Psuperheroes – “P” is for psoriasis – and we're having so much fun with it!

Check out the great activities on tap for youth program. Click the age groups below to view the agenda:

Register by April 14, 2017, and receive 20 percent off your registration. There is even an option to register as a family. Scholarships are available for those who need financial assistance.

Don’t miss out on this invaluable experience! I can’t wait to see you in Chicago!

© 2020 by A Spot of Hope and Jaime Lyn Moy

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